Sunday, November 23, 2008

Deer Season menu part 2 - the goodies

What deer season would be complete without the cans of beanie weenies, potted meat, long horn cheese and pepperoni? Mmm, sounds delicious and nutritious ehh? Well they pack all the above plus my homemade goodies with them in their lunches.

Here is the lowdown and yes I know that none of it has one ounce of nutrition here so don't be hatin' - but it is all delicious!

Chew Oatmeal Raisin Cookies

Homemade pepperoni rolls - I use my homemade roll recipe and just stuff the rolls with pepperoni when making the dough balls.

Chewy Brownies

Chocolate chip cookies

Snicker doodles

apple butter fritters -
this is a family recipe but very simple. Take homemade biscuit dough and cut into squares about 3X3 inches put a teaspoon of apple butter in the center of each square and fold dough over top. Pinch edges and fry dough in butter until brown. Drain on paper towels - best served warm. You can also sprinkle confectionery sugar on top.

apple fritters

puppy chow snack mix


Farmhouse Blessings said...

It all sounds soooo good to me!


Nancy M. said...

I love sweets! I've never heard of puppy chow snack mix, though. I'll have to give that a try.

Gill - That British Woman said...

thanks for those recipes, they sound so good.
