Ok I don't usually express my opinion too much here, but when I read about Plaxico Burress a NY Giant reciever shooting himself in the thigh at a night club it was just too much for this gal to keep quiet.
First all Plaxico- where in the world did your mama come up with that name? The plastic factory for petes sake! Give the boy a decent name like Bob or Bill. Heck even a boy named Sue would have been better than Plaxico! No wonder the poor fool thought he had to carry a gun.
Second of all Plaxico- Didn't your mama teach you better than to go to places where you think you might need a gun to protect yourself? That is what they have bouncers and security guards for. I know the Giants paid you a lot of money to play football - the least you could have done was hired a security guy ( you know they ones that actually have training with guns and carry this nifty little thing called a GUN HOLSTER) Good greif even Barney Fife wore a gun holster!
Speaking of gun holsters. You should have invested in one. Wearing sweatpants and tucking the gun into the waist band is just plain dumb! Everyone knows that men have no butts to hold their pants up anyways and then you big dummy go and tuck a gun into your sweatpants band! Really- you didn't once think about the whole gun idea winding up around your ankle??
What was so great about this club anyways? You thought you had to have a gun to protect yourself while being entertained? You want entertainment? You should have stayed home and watched a Christmas special on tv! Lots of good Christmas specials to watch- betcha wish you would have stayed home now huh?
Word of advice Plaxico wear blue jeans and a belt the next time. Maybe you could make a fashion statement by wearing a belt with your sweatpants and a holster.
OMG girl! What a way to start my day! (I spewed coffee all over my screen... twice!)
Thanks Tatersmama. I usually don't give my opinion on my blog, but I feel so much better after I got that little bit of frustration off my chest.
Ohhhhhhhh my that cracked me up!! YOu said what most people are thinking. I bet the poor boy is embarassed beyond tears. :))
Ha, ha. How true!! Their went his career!
Hi, there! Thanks for the suggestion about the blueberry tea. I will pick some up for sure, as it sounds delicious!
I'm so glad you stopped by and left me a note! I thought your post today was great! So true! You should give your opinion more often....!
Thanks Tater Mama! I just might do that!
What a funny post! I can't believe no on in the news compared Plax. to Barney Fife!!
OMG! I'm dying over here!
Hubby and I were talking about this the other day, and I told him, it's really not Plaxico's fault. Anyone who would name their child PLAXICO, for God's sake, can't have a very high IQ, therefore the guy can't be too bright himself.
Oh tatermama you will love the bluberry tea. yummy I tell ya!
You took the words right out of my mouth DysFUNctional Mom. What in the world was she thinking??
Valuable resource of Plaxico Burress news summaries...
Amen, sista! You are sooo right!
When are these people gonna learn? (never?)
Funny funny post. Maybe he (Plaxico) has been hit a few too many times (in the head.) I love Barney!!!!
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