Monday, November 3, 2008

Saving Money- Homemade fabric softener recipe

Sunlight Soap Advert a String of Women Admire the Results Displayed on a Very Long Washing Line
Sunlight Soap Advert a String of Women Admire the Results Displayed on a Very Long Washing Line

With the prices of everything going sky high in the stores, I am trying to make homemade versions of almost everything. I recently came across a recipe at A home with a smile for homemade fabric softener that looks worthwhile and will give it a try when my current bottle of fab softener runs dry.

"I've been using homemade fabric softener in the washer for several months now. It works in the dryer and even for the clothes hung on the line.
1 bottle of hair conditioner (CHEAP.......don't remember the brand I used but it
was $.79 and lilac scented)
2 cups white vinegar

6 cups water
Mix in a gallon jug. I transfer it to a used softener bottle, then use that cap
as a measure for the amount to use."


Ronda said...

Love this idea! Thanks for sharing this with us.
Love & Prayers,

Nancy M. said...

Now, this is one I have never heard before! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely idea. I don't use fabric softener because our washing is dried outside, but if I did I would try this recipe.


Country Whispers said...

Wow I haven't heard of this one before. I'll have to try it.