Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Snow day

The boys are off from school today for snow. The weather is calling for more today. I am so glad I went to the grocery store yesterday - so now I can stay home and hibernate :)

Today will be a day of catching up on housework and laundry for me. If I get some time I would like to do some baking maybe.

The boys and hubby are getting the snowplow ready to go for this winter- it looks like we may need it.

I brought you in tagged me to post a photo of where we blog from. I am afraid mine is nothing spectacular only the dining room table. Here are the directions:
Post pictures of the room that you blog from. Do not clean it up, take a photo of how it is RIGHT NOW and tell us what is in that room.

Here it is- The dining room table with the oil lamp and red checked table cloth. In the background you can see the wood stove with the door left wide open ( I just finished putting wood in it) the doorway that leads to the garage and the mounding pile of winter coats hung on the coat rack. The rack is supposed to hold 4 coats - I think there are nine on it already!

If you are reading this consider yourself tagged!


Paula said...

Brrr... it looks cold outside, but cozy on the inside!
That looks like the perfect place to blog!

Angelena said...

Thanks Paula.

Gill - That British Woman said...

Drat.........I did the same thing with one of my tags, if you read it you are tagged!!!! I'll do mine on the weekend, as I have posts all done up for the week.

Gill in Canada